The Ocean Front Leather Bag by A. M. Aiken

The Ocean Front Bag was born out of a personal need and a moment of clarity under the sun. While using the Strathmere Weekend Bag by the pool, I realized that although it was perfect for a weekend getaway, its features were overkill for a simple sun-soaked afternoon. Thus, the Ocean Front Bag was conceived—a bag of the same luxurious quality and size, but without the unnecessary extras. Just a few essential pockets and a breezy, open-top design with a snap button closure.

When packing this for the pool I typically pack the following, in an effort to convey what you may be able to fit into yours for your walk up to the pool or beach:

The Strathmere Leather Weekend Bag is intended to pack your clothes and such for a weekend getaway, then strap it down and throw it into the trunk of your car. The Ocean Front Bag is intended to be used once you’ve arrived at your destination as your daily carry.

Inspiration and Design

Imagine a couple strolling down to the beach from their oceanfront stay, each carrying their own Ocean Front Bag. Packed lightly with a towel, a book, and some water—just enough for comfort. The bag, whether slung over the shoulder or hanging by the side, is a perfect fit. A few grains of sand might sneak in, a small reminder of a day well spent by the sea.

This bag’s simplicity is its charm. Rustic yet refined, it beckons you outdoors. It doesn’t like to sit idle; it’s meant for adventure, even if that adventure is just a short walk to the pool or the shore. The Ocean Front Bag transcends gender, making it a suitable companion for anyone. It’s perfect for a trip to the office, a quick errand, or a leisurely coffee shop visit. Versatility is its silent strength—load it up with your essentials, and you’re ready for anything, whether business or pleasure.

Features and Functionality

The Essence of the Ocean Front Bag

When I look at this bag, I can hear the waves, feel the breeze, and see the seagulls soaring overhead. The warmth of the sand on my feet and the sun’s embrace come rushing back to me. These are the moments that make me feel most alive, and the Ocean Front Bag is a tangible reminder of them. It’s about travel, family, love, memories, laughter, and dreams.

The Ocean Front Bag is more than just an accessory—it evokes emotion. It’s a call to adventure and a companion in everyday life, blending functionality with a sense of freedom and nostalgia. It’s a bag designed for those who cherish the journey as much as the destination.

The Story

Every product I create has a story. Something in my life or in my mind that inspires a thing to exist. That story for Ocean Front is below, is all true and from the depths of my heart. All of the personal photos below are from our beach trips in the past.

Our family beach vacations were always the highlight of each year for me as a young husband and then as a dad. My wife at the time and I would plan the trip in January with her parents, looking for the right place, the right dates, the right price. Once the dates were set, I started a countdown on my phone. Time would crawl from that day on, each day checking to see how many days remained, wishing time to move faster. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, it was the week of the trip! At last!

I always took off work the Thursday and Friday before our Saturday check-in. Thursday to get things packed and start to unwind from work, Friday to hit the road.

We would leave Friday morning, not rushing out, but maybe around 9 or so. Leisurely.

Our first stop was always for a sticky bun and coffee at a local stand next to the Lancaster Visitor Center just off of the highway. Enjoy those, get a few photos of our son, a toddler at this point, with the Amish Buggy, then get back on the road. Taking 896 south and eventually getting to Route 1, if my memory is correct. Just a few hours and we’d be in Dover, Delaware, pulling into the parking lot of the Air Mobility Command Museum located at the edge of Dover AFB. A tradition that I miss, as with all of this.

Seeing the static airplanes on display never got old, even though my wife and I had seen them plenty of times before. The fun part was keeping up with our son as he would run from plane to plane, amazed at the size. I remember going into one of them and they had an old fire truck inside the airplane. To our 2-year-old at the time, this was mind-blowing.

Next stop was our hotel for the night. We’d get there, find the room, then head to the pool. Do some swimming, then head to our first slice of Grotto’s pizza for the week. Eat dinner, enjoy the birch beer, play a few arcade games, then head back to the hotel for bed.

The next morning: breakfast at the hotel buffet, then coffee at the Starbucks just down the street. Then just an hour or so drive into the Rehoboth/Dewey Beach area of Delaware. The final stretch into town could take a while depending on traffic, so sometimes we would take a detour over to Rehoboth Beach to get some vitamin sea, other times we’d conquer the traffic and head straight to the condo rental.

(Quick aside to acknowledge that this is a lot so far. A lot for a story about a bag. And truth be told, this bag, the Ocean Front, was never present for any of these trips. I was not working with leather at that time, and if you told me then that I’d be doing leather work in the future, I would not have believed you. I was creative but not like that. Or so I thought.)

Her parents usually beat us there and had already done a grocery run to stock up for a few days. All we had to do was unload our car, then head up to the beach to see if the ocean was how we left it last year. It always was.

We typically stayed ocean block, but one year we did have an Ocean Front condo and I have very clear memories of staying in that particular place. The deck was my favorite, as with all of the places we’ve stayed over the years, because it was Ocean Front and my view was always the ocean. The waves, I can hear them. It made for the perfect place for morning coffee, afternoon cigar, and evening wine. It was also a nice and short walk up to the beach. Not that ocean block was a long walk, but Ocean Front just can’t be beat.

I digress.

And I could go on and on and on. Suffice it to say that my memories from all of these trips, easily spanning over ten years, are all positive. Sure, as with any family trip, there was drama to contend with, but I was always able to see just beyond it and enjoy each and every moment with my family. At first, it was with my girlfriend’s family, and then my fiancé’s family, and then my wife’s family - our family. We went for several years before having our son, and then he came along and we were able to include him in the traditional trip down to Dewey Beach.

Dewey Beach is not a beach to necessarily write home about, but for me it was and is. Those times are held tightly in my heart and I think about our times together often. And now even more so with the launch of this bag, the Ocean Front bag.

If you are still here, still reading up to this point, you are quite dedicated, and I appreciate that very much. I have yet to take this bag to the beach, to stay ocean front with it, and use it as I have intended it to be used. That said, I am currently using it as my daily bag and as my pool bag. It is developing character with use. Drops of water have landed on it, leaving marks, making memories.

The tagline is very intentional, as all taglines should be: Your Memories. With You.

The idea being that this is a bag to be used. This is a bag to take to the pool. To take to the beach. To load, unload, reload, to use it for many different purposes. To create memories with, or more accurately, for it to be present while memories are being made.

And then, when the trip is over, when you return home, use it as your day-to-day bag. Pack your laptop, your paperwork, your water, your change of clothes…use it how you use any bag. And by doing so, take your memories with you.

Now, every time I look at my Ocean Front, I think of my times taking it up to the pool. With my son there with me, my ex-wife joining us, spending time together by the pool - continuing to make memories.

I hope that I am doing an adequate job at placing the soul of this bag into the digital realm for you to read, for you to feel. This is not just another leather bag in a world that is swimming in them. This is a moment in the making, a memory in the making. This is the bag for you now, for the trip you are planning for later this year and the following. This is the bag for you to keep those memories close and to never forget them.

Get the Ocean Front now and take Your Memories With You. I look forward to making one for you!

Aaron M. Aiken

Aaron is the Designer and Maker of Ocean Front, all Strathmere Leather products, and the entire A. M. Aiken catalog.

Go. Pack this bag. Take that book. Send a post card.

Product Details



Exterior Dimensions:

Interior Dimensions:

Luggage Terms:


Unlimited lifetime warranty on leather workmanship. Details of coverage available at

The Process

First, I had to get the design out of my head and onto paper. The blank page is the perfect place to start.

After drawing it out and getting final measurements, cuts, placement of each component, sizing of each component, and so on, I select an adequate side of drum-dyed leather and make the cut for the main body of the bag.

Then, measure, cut and mark each piece that will make the bag complete.

Everything has to be attached to the bag before it is fully assembled. Both straps, the interior pockets, exterior pocket with the flap, all hardware, and so on…everything is attached while the bag is still in an unassembled state.

This all starts in my head first and then I turn it into something you and I can use in our day-to-day lives. That process will never get old. I am given the ideas, the inspiration is sent to me, and then I have the opportunity to turn those ideas into reality. Absolutely incredible.

After attaching everything, I do some stretching to make sure I’m loose and then head into fully assembling the bag inside-out, and then through nothing but magic (muscle) flip it right-side-out. And tada! The Ocean Front leather bag is ready for use!

A Few More Photos

…and a few more words since I can’t seem to help myself at this point.

In the photos below you’ll notice plenty of new marks on the leather that were not there when I took the original photos shown above. These new marks are from my day-to-day use of the bag and I use my bag. I don’t protect it, I don’t baby it, I don’t shy away from something happening to it. That is all part of the process, part of the story, part of the life of the bag. It also reinforces my intent with this bag to be Your Memories With You. A majority of the new marks came from just a few days ago, a rain storm approached quickly and we were caught in it while at the pool. My bag was there and was rained on (gasp!). And now, it looks even better than it did before.

Video Walkthrough

Purchase Your Very Own Ocean Front Bag

I was originally going to support purchasing of this bag directly through my main catalog but something about that just didn't feel right, too disconnected, too much work having to be done on your end, also not very human. And so, if you have read up to this point and are interested or ready to buy, just use the form below to send me a quick email. I'll follow-up with questions that will need answered, the color you'd like, and other options that can be discussed. Once those details are finalized I will send you an invoice through my Shopify site where you can submit payment (or you can mail a check if you still have some of those laying around). Once payment is received your order will go into my queue.

I look forward to hearing from you!

~ Aaron